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I keep making mistakes lol

June 26th 2024

Hey whats up? Ok i think im done doing layouts for a while lol not. I need to work on some other stuff really. I really hope you like this new layout. I like the font and everything about it. Tottally different colors i would never use together lol. Anyways hope you all like this one <3

I don't Think Anyone Notice?

April 29 2024

Well I don't think anyone Notice but i made a boo boo on the site name on my last layout LOL.. I laugh at it later but I miss spelled EVERYTIME. LOL thats what i get for working late and here we are again another late night. But I decided to re design the layout and i came up with this new layout. This is a little different then the last one. But i Really like this one. I think for any fan site im going to make the layouts like this.. Anyways I haven't Really heard any news about Britney Spears latly she's been pretty quiet. I did see her make a video on her instagram but Ofcourse everyone is so quick to judge her. She looks Happy and thats all that matters.. Talk soon!

Hello whats up? Oh yea new layout!

11:21pm - 4/16/2024

Wanted to put another date lol but then remembered that its still 2024 lol. I know i have used these same colors before but oh well i really like those two colors together and decided to make a new layout adding atleast 3 colors so white, purple and Blue. Hope you all like this one as much as i do. Iam learning animation links. So that seems fun. So i would give it a try here so you can see what i been doing in the background.. Well anyways I havent heard anything about Britney Spears in a while..So i will keep you guys updated as days go on by..talk soon!

Well i Changed Layouts

March 11 2024
Well i worked really hard on this one. Even messed with the coding and tweeked some things out. Hope you like this one <3

Dec 21 2023

I changed the layout. I really like how the header turned out but not feeling the layout and the stylesheet so i might have to re do it again. For now im going to leave it as is.. <3

November 5 2023

So i added some more Music vidoes on the vids page and will add more later. Also added some tours and some Perfumes that Britney spears made. And will add pictures and other stuff coming soon! Also i dunno if i like this header but for now it is what it is. Enjoy. The women in me came out in oct and will try and put up some stuff about it. Will add more soon! enjoy whats on here <3 talk soon!

The first few pages of the book!

As a little girl I walked for hours alone in the silent woods behind my house in Louisiana, singing songs. Being outside gave me a sense of aliveness and danger. When I was growing up, my mother and father fought constantly. He was an alcoholic. I was usually scared in my home. Outside wasn’t necessarily heaven, either, but it was my world. Call it heaven or hell, it was mine. Before going home, I would follow a path to our neighbors’ house, through a landscaped yard and past a swimming pool. They had a rock garden full of small, soft pebbles that would trap the heat and stay warm in a way that felt so good against my skin. I would lie down on those rocks and look up at the sky, feeling the warmth from below and above, thinking: I can make my own way in life. I can make my dreams come true. Lying quietly on those rocks, I felt God.
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